Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia 2016 - Tjariejob sebagai media penyaji info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2016 Indonesia saat ini menghadirkan informasi terkini kesempatan berkarir dan bergabung bersama PT Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan pertambangan global yang berkantor pusat di Brasil.
Profile PT Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia
Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia mengoperasikan tambang nikel open pit dan pabrik pengolahan di Sorowako, Sulawesi dan juga menjadi produsen nikel terbesar diIndonesia dan menyumbang 5% pasokan nikel dunia.
Ruang lingkup kegiatan INCO adalah dalam eksplorasi dan penambangan, pengolahan, penyimpanan, pengangkutan dan pemasaran nikel beserta produk mineral terkait lainnya.
Ruang lingkup kegiatan INCO adalah dalam eksplorasi dan penambangan, pengolahan, penyimpanan, pengangkutan dan pemasaran nikel beserta produk mineral terkait lainnya.
Sejarah berdiri PT Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia
Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia didirikan tanggal 25 Juli 1968 dengan nama mulanya adalah PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk atau INCO. Namun memulai kegiatan usaha komersialnya pada tahun 1978. Vale Indonesia merupakan anak perusahaan dari Vale berkantor pusat di Brasil, sementara pabriknya berlokasi di Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan.
Baca Lowongan Kerja lainnya: PT Sigma Cipta Caraka
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia
saat ini kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2016 untuk beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:Senior Contracts and Procurement Specialist - Vale Ekplorasi Indonesia
Areas of responsibility:
- Conduct Tenders in accordance with Vale policy and procedures
- Source suppliers and obtain quotes
- Conduction equalisation exercise to assist with supplier selection
- Prepare Contract Award Justifications for Tenders and Quotes
- Prepare Sole Source Justification for all non tender / quotes and obtain sign off approval
- Write and negotiate contracts and obtain internal approvals
- Develop contract amendments justification and prepare Contract Amendment as appropriate
- Control and issue Purchase Orders for Jakarta office and site and obtain approval and update database ( physical and electronic )
- Issue Contract numbers and update the Contract date base ( physical and electronic )
- Update monthly the Contracts Control and PO / Invoice Control Registers and Data Base and identify out of norm items.
- Prepare Regularisation justification and approval sign off where invoices are greater than PO or Contract Value
- Manage weekly contract status stakeholder meetings and update contract status register
- Ensure integrity of data in all procurement systems
- Conduct regular refresher procurement training in the Jakarta and Site office.
- Control and manage the procurement and logistic activities at site.
- Other tasks as directed by the Operational Support Manager Australasia.
The position is based in Jakarta but will require regular travel to the company’s site location in Sumbawa (Bima). The position will report to the Indonesian Exploration Manager with a dotted line to the Operational Support Manager Australasia. The person we’re looking for will have good interpersonal skills, reliable, high accountability and be a confident presenter and have the ability to produce high quality in excel and written reports in English. He will also need to be team player, be results driven and able to work autonomously.
Basic requirements of the position:
- A Bachelor degree ( S1 )
- 7 years’ experience in Contracts and Procurement field with a major mining or large international company
- Excellent excel skills
- Fluent in English (written and speaking)
- Ability to travel (less than 30% of the time) to site.
- Good planning, communication and relationship management skills.
The person we’re looking for will have good interpersonal skills, be a confident presenter and have the ability to produce high quality written reports in English. They will also need to be team player, be results driven and able to work autonomously.
Cara Melamar:
Segera kirimkan berkas lamaran anda (complete CV in English version) pada email berikut:
Email : hrd.admin@vale.co.id
Batas Lamaran : 05 Mei 2016