Lowongan Kerja 2015 Berau Coal, Coal Handling Infrastructure, Community & Support Infrastructure, Planning Design Engineer, Electrical Engineering [Maret]

Berau Coal merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menyediakan bahan tambang terkemuka di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini pertama kali didirikan sejak tahun 2005 dengan nama PT Risco. Pendirian perusahaan ini sesuai dengan Akta Notaris Nomor 2 Rony Saputra S, SH, tanggal 7 September 2005 yang disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia melalui Surat Keputusan No C-31138.HT.01.01.TH.2005 tanggal 23 Nopember 2005. Perusahaan kemudian dimiliki oleh Recapital Group (Recapital) melalui anak perusahaan yakni PT Bukit Mutiara dan PT Bentara Energi Asia Utama sejak tahun 2009. Setahun kemudian, perusahaan resmi berganti nama menjadi PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk sesuai dengan Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Pemegang Saham No.207 tanggal 21 April 2010 yang telah dipakai hingga sekarang.

PT Berau Coal Energy merupakan perusahaan induk dari Berau Coal yang merupakan penyedia batu bara terbesar ke-5 di Indonesia bila dilihat dari segi industri pada tahun 2009.  Berau Coal sendiri mulai beroperasi sejak tahun 1983 dengan unit bisnis berupa survei, eksplorasi, penambangan batu bara serta melakukan pemindahan, penyimpanan, penjualan dan eksplorasi batu bara dari wilayah konsesi-nya.

PT Berau Coal mencari kandidat professional untuk menempati posisi sebagaimana terlampir berikut:

Penerimaan Karyawan Berau Coal 2015

1. Coal Handling Infrastructure Development Department Head
a. Placement : Berau - East Kalimantan
b. Level : Manager

Job Description :
Responsible for managing (evaluating, developing, and controlling the plan and implementation) of the infrastructure in mining operations in accordance with the target company.

Job Responsibilities :
• Ensure the availability of annual work plan and budget plan for development
• Ensure for every infrastructure development to have an appropriate design and could be implemented in the field.
• Ensure the process of the tender, negotiation and work agreement to be succeeded.
• Ensure the completeness of all the documentations required for the work in the field to run well.
• Decide an adjustment or an extension of a contract that needs to be done on a project.

Job Requirement :
Education : Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Experience : Minimum 10 years in related/similar position.
Skill and Ability :
• Mastering project Plan & Controlling, strategic Planning in Mining technology.
• Mastering Project Management
• Mastering Structure Analysis, Technical Standard & Contracts.
• Havs a knowledge of CPP Plant, OLC and PLTU

2. Community & Support Infrastructure Development Department Head
a. Placement : Berau - East Kalimantan
b. Level : Manager

Job Description :
Responsible for managing (evaluating, developing, and controlling the plan and implementation) of infrastructure planning and development to support the activity of mining operation and its community.

Job Responsibilities :
• Ensure the availability of budget for the annual work plan and the development of infrastructure to support the mining operations.
• Ensure the readiness of land to be used for infrastructure development, both in the technical and legal sector.
• Ensure the process of tender, negotiation and work agreement to be succeeded.
• Ensure the completeness of all the documentations required for the work in the field to run well.
• Ensure conformity of all the works in the field with the design that has been created in the contract agreement.

Job Requirement :
Education : Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
Experience : Minimum 10 years in related/similar field
Skill and Ability :
• General Knowledge in procurement (including process of tender)
• Mastering Project Management, general knowledge in internal and external auditing
• Managing design and construction supervision
• Civil/ Structural Cost Estimation and cost review/ analysis

3. Planning & Design Engineer
a. Placement : Berau - East Kalimantan
b. Level : Supervisor

Job Description :
Responsible for making the infrastructure development plan and design for coal handling infrastructure required to the mining operation according to annual work plan.

Job Responsibilities :
• Make an annual work and budget plan for infrastructure development projects
• Create infrastructure design in accordance with the users initial demand.
• Conduct a review , screening , and evaluation of a project
• Create a proposal for the project that have been planned

Job Requirement
Education : Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Experience : Minimum 2 years in related/similar position
Skill and Ability:
• Understand Strategic Planning
• Understand Project Management
• Mastering AutoCAD

4. Electrical Engineering Sub Section Head
a. Placement : Berau - East Kalimantan
b. Level : Supervisor

Job Description :
Responsible for planning and repairing Fixed Plant Unit (Crusher dan Conveyor), Mobile Equipment, Pump and pipe, Tools & Machinery, Jetty Dolphin, weigh bridge and Generator Set.

Job Responsibilities :
• Arrange schedule of unit treatment, repairs and modification
• Supervise the operation of unit
• Report the results of repair schedule

Job Requirement
Education : Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering,
Experience : Minimum 2 years in related/similar position (preferably from food factories)
Skill and Ability:
• Mastering PLC System.
• Mastering electrical unit (Generator, Transformer, electromotor)

Lowongan Pekerjaan 2015 Maret Berau Coal

Pekerjaan Terbaru Berau Coal Tjariejob

In applying for the positions mentioned, all candidates must have good communication skill also fluent written and verbal business skill (in English). If you meet the requirements send your application to:

Email : recruitment@beraucoal.co.id
CLOSED DATE : 21 Maret 2015
• Please write “subtitle of the job vacancies” as the e-mail subject
• Only short-listed qualified candidates will be called for the selection test.
• We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package.

Karir di PT Berau Coal dipersembahkan Tjariejob untuk anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan Maret 2015